Friday, July 6, 2012

"Please stop being mean please."

"He was mean first, why don't you tell him to
stop being mean. I wasn't being mean anyway, I
was just telling it like it is. You must think
being honest is mean. Besides, it's a mean world
and it sounds like you're too sensitive for
your own good. In fact, you're being mean by
accusing me of being mean. Who asked you anyway.
It's not only mean but rude to just butt in where
you weren't invited and give somebody unwanted
advice on how they should behave. Maybe you ought
to try moving to Russia, if you think I'm mean,
because they could show you a thing or two when
the secret police drag you into a basement. Is this
America or not? Is there a new law that I haven't
heard about where it's illegal to be honest and not
sugarcoat things when you're forced to deal with a
bunch of idiots and imbeciles? Since you're so big
on telling people what to do and how to live, let
me tell you to grow a thicker skin and stop being a
baby riding around in a waaaaambulance. If you don't
like the kitchen, find a cooler place to hawk your
wares, Goody Two-Shoes. So just grow up and stop
acting like a spoiled brat king that thinks they run
the world, Miss Manners. Besides, it was just a joke,
so you might want to find a sense of humor."

"Please stop being mean please."

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